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A member registered Sep 28, 2020

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The Steam release has that.

in January 2024.

You just connect it before you run the game, then press Start on the controller in the menu.

There's a beta going on at the moment, read the last post if you're interested. You get to keep it on Steam.

From options - video - full screen - enabled.

It already has local multiplayer, and online multiplayer is a possibility after the Steam launch.

I've never heard of this issue before, but the Steam version will have customizable controls.

A much improved version is coming to Steam in a few months. The link is at the top of the page.

It's a possibility for the far future, but not a priority.

The Steam version will have some difficulty changes.

Under $10.

Less than $10, the final price hasn't yet been established.

Thanks for the interest! Drasuns is indeed working on it to make a much better version.

The much improved full release of the game on Steam will have at least one additional game mode in which you can fight multiple enemies at a time in a side-scrolling environment. Check the update posts to see how it looks.

It's a possibility after the Steam launch.

GameMaker: Studio 1.

It's a rare random encounter.

Someone explained in detail in the discord server how to use custom backgrounds:

Yes, it's linked in the last update post.

You need to update DirectX and install Visual C++ 2012.

If you guys want to help the game succeed, the best thing you can do right now is wishlist it. Steam's algorithms will notice if people are interested in the game and recommend it to other people.

Post-launch on Steam, they might be implemented.

When it launches on Steam, you will be able to play online with your friends through Steam Remote Play, or you can use Parsec for the moment as far as I'm aware. After launch, we plan on looking into integrated online multiplayer to see if we can do it (we hope we can). Only one man is developing this game and he has no experience yet in programming online multiplayer.

Yes, it will be on Steam.

There will be an option for that in the full release on Steam.

When it's ready, it will be on Steam.

Not yet. It will be on Steam when it's ready.

Glad you like it! There will be a tutorial in the full version that will be released on Steam.

The invite expired.

The exact price has not been decided yet, but it will be very affordable.

Yes, it will be on Steam unless some unforeseen issue appears.

It's a witty name, but search engines would confuse it with movie cuts, so it would be hard to find the game for a new player.

The premium version will have extended customization options.

There's a movie by that name, so it can't be done without risking to get sued.

Does anyone have any title suggestions for the launch of the game? "First Cut" is too hard to get to #1 on search engines.

Also try installing visual C++ 2012 x86 and x64 (as mentioned in troubleshooting).

(1 edit)

Also try installing visual C++ 2012 x86 and x64 (as mentioned in troubleshooting).

Generally, all you need to do is press start on the controller when you open the game instead of enter, if I recall correctly.

I can't remember the answer, but you will find it in an older comment.

Can you set up a temporary e-mail address so we can exchange Skype or Telegram without leaving our contact info on the internet? I could do it too, but people are more likely to want to scam the funder than the funded (I'm probably just paranoid, but better safe than sorry :)) ).

Hey, Drasnus, hope you remember me! I came across a huge bag of cash and I was wondering if you would be interested in getting funded to finish a game in exchange for a small percentage of the sales. I don't necessarily expert to turn a profit, I'm more interested in helping you release a game.